Secretary General and High Rappresentative for Foreign Affairs

Secretary General and High Rappresentative for Foreign Affairs

lunedì 28 marzo 2016


Massacre of Christians
Not to keep quiet . The Secretary-General of WOS also  President of European Muslims League , Alfredo Maiolese condemned without ifs and buts the tragic terrorist incident that hit the Pakistani Christians . Maiolese  calls on European Muslims to observe a minute of silence to these innocent and proclaims the terrorists enemies of Islam and humanity . Just massacres in the name of religion, by reminding these murderers that the Islamic religion does not teach to kill members of other faiths because non-Muslims . A real shame that must be fought by all, to ensure that you really do not come to a violent confrontation between Christians and Muslims that would provoke a world war.

martedì 22 marzo 2016


The President of WOS Eugenio Lai and the Secretary -General Alfredo Maiolese released today the following  statement.

"Today our hearts and thoughts go out to the Belgium people. There are no words to justify such act of evil as that which has unfolded in Brussels Airport. It is more important than ever that people of faith and no faith come together in solidarity against those who would bring terror to our streets of Europe".

martedì 15 marzo 2016


The President of World Organization of the States H.E. Eugenio Lai, likes to thank all the members of WOS expecially,whom leaving  in areas of conflicts. Every  days, they risk their lives for spreading values of peace and stability.
Particular attention to our colleagues in Iraq and Lebanon.

mercoledì 2 marzo 2016


Hon. Sandro Fratini our Vice President of the Economic Commission had met a diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malta H.E. Ambassador Carmelo Inguanez.