Secretary General and High Rappresentative for Foreign Affairs

Secretary General and High Rappresentative for Foreign Affairs

giovedì 28 maggio 2015

Beirut Lebanon

The Secretary-General Alfredo Maiolese, has met in his office of Beirut,  the Chief of Army Staff. He has discussed the delicate situation of  Palestinian and Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

mercoledì 27 maggio 2015


The Secretary General Ambassador Alfredo Maiolese had met  H.E. Amira Daoud Hassan Gornass Ambassador of Sudan in Italy.

martedì 26 maggio 2015

National Day of Georgia

On the occasion of the National Day of Georgia, the Presidency Office of International Parliament for Safety and Peace,  takes this opportunity to wish all the best to the government and people. 

lunedì 25 maggio 2015


On the occasion of the National Day of Argentine and the Hashemite Kingom of Jordan, the Presidency Office of International Parliament for Safety and Peace,  takes this opportunity to wish all the best to the respective governments and people.

domenica 24 maggio 2015

Eritrea National Day

Today we celebrate the National Day of the Republic of Eritrea with some hopes.
The International Parliament  for Safety and Peace requires to the government authorities to increase social reforms, to support freedom of expression , the press , the defend of  human rights and bring the Country to a true democracy for the good of the entire population.

sabato 23 maggio 2015

Yemen, Middle East

On the occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Yemen on 22 May the International Parliament for Safety and Peace expresses concern,about the situation of political instability in the Country, and calls for an end to the clashes with the return to dialogue between the forces involved.

mercoledì 20 maggio 2015

National Day of Cameroon

The Presidency Office and the all members of International Parliament for Safety and Paece also called World Parliament for Safety and Peace,  express their best wishes to the Government and to the population, in the occasion of the National Day of Cameroon.

martedì 19 maggio 2015

Washington Dc Usa

Ambassador Teresa Gonzales Fernandez of International Parliament for Safety and Peace, in a relaxed and friendly meeting has met Hillary Clinton candidate for the White House.
The two diplomats had discussed on Human Rights and International issues.

domenica 17 maggio 2015


The Bureau and all the members of the International Parliament for Safety and Peace expressed the best wishes to the Government and people of Norway on the occasion of the National Holiday .

lunedì 11 maggio 2015

Vatican City

Following the historical visit , between the President Raul Castro and Pope Francisco I, the International Parliament for Safety and Peace expresses great satisfaction for the precious work of the Vatican.
The Presidency Office thanks also the President Barack Obama and the President Raul Castro for having dared what no one had done before.
This is the beginning of a new era between USA and CUBA for fredoom and justice.

sabato 9 maggio 2015

Europe Day - Brussels Strasbourg

Europe Day (9 May ) celebrates peace and unity in Europe . The date is the anniversary of the historic declaration of Schuman . During a speech in Paris , in 1950 , the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman presented his idea of a new form of political cooperation for Europe , which would make impossible a war between European nations .
The International Parliament for Safety and Peace expresses the best wishes to all European Institutions and population for this important anniversary. 
La festa dell'Europa (9 maggio) celebra la pace e l'unità in Europa. La data è l'anniversario della storica dichiarazione di Schuman. In occasione di un discorso a Parigi, nel 1950, il ministro degli Esteri francese Robert Schuman ha esposto la sua idea di una nuova forma di cooperazione politica per l'Europa, che avrebbe reso impensabile una guerra tra le nazioni europee.
Il Parlamento Mondiale per la Sicurezza e la Pace esprime i migliori auguri a tutte le Istituzioni Europee ed alla sua popolazione per questo importante anniversario.

venerdì 8 maggio 2015

Doha Qatar

The Secretary General of International Parliament for Safety and Peace also called World Parliament for Safety and Peace, Ambassador Alfredo Maiolede,  had been interviewed by the famous channel of Qatar Al Jazeera regarding the situation of migrants from Africa to Italy after the recent disasters that have caused thousands of drowned.

martedì 5 maggio 2015

Roma Italia

A Roma nell' Ufficio di Rappresentanza Internazionale, il Presidente Sen. Eugenio Lai ed il Segretario Generale Ambasciatore Alfredo Maiolese, hanno consegnato al Generale Antonio Pappalardo dell'Arma dei Carabinieri, decreto di Consigliere dell'Ufficio di Presidenza e portavoce del Parlamento Mondiale per la Sicurezza e la Pace.
Con il  nuovo incarico si conferma il  lavoro di rinnovamento del Parlamento Mondiale.
Auguri al nuovo Consigliere Pappalardo da tutti i colleghi italiani e stranieri.
In Rome, in the International Representative Office, the Chairman Sen. Eugenio Lai and the Secretary General Ambassador Alfredo Maiolese, presented to General Antonio Pappalardo of the Carabinieri, the decree of Advisor of the Presidency and spokesman of the International Parliament for Safety and Peace. With the new appointment confirms the work of renewal of the World Parliament for Safety and Peace.
Congratulations to the new Counsellor Pappalardo from all italian and foreign colleagues. 

lunedì 4 maggio 2015

New York, Usa

For the occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Poland on 3 May, the Presidency presents warmest wishes to the State and to Polish People

sabato 2 maggio 2015

Genova , Italia Incontro con Arma dei Carabinieri

Il Segretario Generale  Ambasciatore Alfredo Maiolese ha incontrato a Genova il Comandante della Legione Carabinieri Liguria il Generale dott. Enzo Fanelli. 
Il Parlamento Mondiale per la Sicurezza e la Pace,  elogia ed apprezza l'Arma dei Carabinieri per l'impegno profuso sia in Italia che all'estero per la tutela dei cittadini e della legalita' e l'importante contributo a favore della pace e della sicurezza.

The Secretary General Ambassador Alfredo Maiolese met in Genoa Commander of the Legion Carabinieri Liguria General Dr . Enzo Fanelli . The International Parliament for Safety and Peace , praises and appreciates the Carabinieri for their efforts both in Italy and abroad for the protection of citizens and legality and the important contribution to peace and security.


Le Secrétaire Général l'Ambassadeur Alfredo Maiolese a rencontré à Gênes Commandeur de la Légion Carabinieri Ligurie, Générale Dr . Enzo Fanelli . Le Parlement Mondial pour la Sécurité et la Paix, louanges et apprécie les Carabiniers pour leurs efforts à la fois en Italie et à l'étranger pour la protection des citoyens et de la légalité »et la contribution importante à la paix et à la sécurité.


El Secretario General Embajador Alfredo Maiolese reunió en Génova Comandante de la Legión Carabinieri Liguria,  General Dr. Enzo Fanelli . El Parlamento Internacional de la Seguridad y la Paz , alabanzas y aprecia los Carabinieri por sus esfuerzos , tanto en Italia como en el extranjero para la protección de los ciudadanos y la legalidad "y la importante contribución a la paz y la seguridad.