The Presidency of International Parliament for Safety and Peace express the deepest condolences to the Governments and the people of Tunisia, Kuwait, France and Somalia for the killing of innocents caused by terrorists.
Here the Secretary- General Alfredo Maiolese with a deputy of Tunisian Parliament from security commission.
Presidency: President - Secretary-General - Grand Chancellor
Secretary General and High Rappresentative for Foreign Affairs

sabato 27 giugno 2015
giovedì 18 giugno 2015
Today in Rome it was held a conference of International Parliament for Safety and Peace. The President Sen. Eugenio Lai and the Secretary General Alfredo Maiolese, like to thank the Iraqi delegates coming from a country in conflict.
sabato 13 giugno 2015
The Secretary General Alfredo Maiolese has partecipted in Paris to an important Conference for the peace in Middle East at the presence of diplomats and politicians
coming from all over the world. At the Conference had participated more then 150.000 people.
Hon. Maiolese has been accompanied by Advisor General Antonio Pappalardo. The two diplomats of International Parliament for Safety and Peace, had conveyed to the organisers the greetings of the President Senator Eugenio Lai.
Here Alfredo Maiolese with Hon. Jamal bin Ali bu Hassan Vice President of Foreign Affairs Commission of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
martedì 9 giugno 2015
Istanbul Turkey
The Secretary General of International Parliament for Safety and Peace, Alfredo Maiolese, has partecipated in Istanbul, to an important international conference on the crisis in Yemen.
The title is: the international Law and its Applications to restore Legitimacy and Rights in Yemen.
Alfredo Maiolese here with the Minister of Human Rights of the Republic of Yemen, dr. Ezzeldeen Alasbahi.
giovedì 4 giugno 2015
Many diplomats and journalists were at the Conference. A special thanks to H.R.H. Princess Fay Jahan Ara and to the Consul of Morocco in Emirates.